The trick is using a juicy embossing stamp pad like the Top Boss Embossing Ink Pad by ClearSnap and Top Boss Embossing Powder by ClearSnap. I love this doliy paper from the Restoration Collection by Crate Paper and thought that this Circle Doliy Cling Stamp from Hero Arts went together perfectly!
I positioned the mirror on my desk with Craft Glue Dots on a roll, so it would not move, then loaded the stamp with the embossing ink, press down and lifted up. I was generous with the embossing powder, moved the mirror to an aluminum foil covered piece of cardboard and gently heated the mirror until the entire image was embossed. I let it cure overnight, then gently colored the pearly lace doily with some blue chalk ink so that it matched my paper.

Above are some other examples of stamped mirrors that I have created. A wedding favor box that held mints, a mirror mosaic and a Valentine's gift box. I hope that I have inspired you to create some stamped mirrors of your own!
Please use the link on my left side bar to "HOP" along to the next Designer's blog and view their favorite technique.
Thanks for stopping by! -Beth