This month the Designer Crafts Connection is participating in a manufacturer challenge. Sponsored by:

Each Designer received Westcott® Brand scissors and tools to work with. The thing I like best about these scissors is that I can cut paper and fabric with the same pair! Plus these scissors are non stick titanium bonded. This was important for this challenge because each Designer also received product from VELCRO® Brand Hook and Loop Fasteners and The Duck Brand® Patterned Duct Tape Rolls and sheets. Lots of sticky stuff to cut and no sticking which let's me consentrate on crafting!
Here's how I made the Duct Tape Curtain Tie Back & Tassel:
To begin, I cut four 10" strips of the pink and black zebra Duct Tape with the 8" Titanium Scissors, using the Westcott Cutting Mat. I layered the first two over my peate pot in a criss cross pattern, then notched and ripped the other two in half length-wise. I continued to criss cross the lengths of Duct Tape until the entire surface was covered. Tuck and secure all of the ends inside the pot.
I then cut a 20" length of black Duct Tape and folded the length up about two thirds on to itself. Using a gather and secure technique, I created a ruffle around the opening of the pot. Cut away any excess.
I then cut twenty lengths of hot pink Duct tape each 20" long and placed two lengths together, sticky side in. I notched each of my ten strips six times along the width with the 8" Titanium Scissors and ripped to create 70 smaller strips. I laid 69 of the strips out and used the last strip to secure the bundle in the center.
Fold the bundle of strips in half and secure to the inside of the pot with hot glue. I then painted a 1" wooden ball knob with Americana paint by DecoArt in Lamp Black and gave it some pop with Sparkle Top Coat. Secure to top of pot with hot glue.
Finally cut two 24" lengths of hot pink Duct Tape and place them sticky sides together to create one strip. Place the Velcro sticky back hook and loop tape on the ends and secure around your curtain. Attach the completed Tassel to the Tie Back with additional Velcro sticky back hook and loop tape.
This is the FANTASTIC giveaway for October (for US residents only please), provided by Westcott:
Click on the link above to enter to win and it will take you to the Westcott® blog where you can comment on your favorite projects from this challange. The winner will be announced November 1st. You can also get an extra chance to win by leaving a comment about the hop on the Westcott Facebook Fan Page.
Make sure to hop round the ring first to see what everyone else came up with by cliking on the HOP FORWARD or HOP BACKWARD link in the Designer Crafts Connection blinkie on my right sidebar!
Thanks for stapping by! -Beth
Talk about pushing the envelope! Great idea and execution!
This is so brilliant Beth! How do you come up with these ideas?
I love your idea! very clever Beth!
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