I had a large terra cotta saucer left over from a pot that was broken and a smaller pot had a chip on the edge. They were sitting in my courtyard and I had stacked them on top of each other by the gate to recycle them into pot filler when I saw it - a candy dish!
It's like love a first sight when you have a Crafty Epiphany like that!
Wash the pot and saucer and let them dry. Base coat the outside of the pot plus the inside and outside of the saucer with Americana acrylic paints by DecoArt in Titainium White. Don't worry about being neat, just get a nice coat on the surface.
Cut two bunny ears from canvas or white craft foam. Sponge the pot and the ears with Light Buttermilk to get the "furry" texture effect. Paint the plaid on the pot rim with alternating vertical stripes of Hauser Light Green and Tangelo Orange. Paint alternating horizontal stripes of Country Blue and Moon Yellow. Paint a triangle with rounded sides in Gooseberry Pink for the nose. Paint large circles in Gooseberry Pink, diluted with water for the cheeks. Using a black Sharpie marker, draw the eyes, outline around the nose, mouth and whiskers. Hightlight the eyes with a dot of Titainium White paint, using the wooden end of your paint brush.
Paint the bottom of the saucer Moon Yellow. Base coat the middle ridge with Lilac and stripe with Tangelo Orange. Paint the top edge with Hauser Light Green.
Base coat four 2" wooden Doll Heads/Ball Knobs from Lara's Crafts with Country Blue. Add polka dots of Titainium White paint, using the wooden end of your paint brush.
Flip the saucer upside down and glue the flat edge of the wooden Doll Heads/Ball Knobs to the bottom with Aleene's Orginial Tacky Glue, let dry.
Top coat the pot and saucer with Americana Spray Sealer/Finisher in Matte. Insert the bunny ears in to the hole in the pot, place bunny on saucer, fill with candy and ENJOY!
NOTE: Make sure to only use wrapped candy in your dish, due to the spray finish not being non-toxic!
Thanks for stopping by! -Beth