
Monday, August 4, 2014

Vintage Ruler Frame Tutorial

I cannot believe that June and July are gone and we are welcoming August!  Kids will be going back to school soon, so the Designer Crafts Connection theme this month is Crafting with School Supplies!

There are so many out-of-the-box things that you can do with school supplies.  My first attempt was to carve stamps from red rubber erasers - well that was a huge CRAFT FAIL - and a lot more difficult than I imagined!  

So, on to Plan B.  I had hoarded collected these cute vintage inspired rulers from Seven Gypsies several years ago and they have been waiting in my craft stash for just the right project.  Now is their time to shine!  This project was completely crafted from my existing stash!

On to my project:



STEP ONE:  Paint the unfinished wooden frame with Lamp Black, let dry.  Distress the Black and White Ruler pieces with Chocolate Brown, let dry.

STEP TWO:  Measure and cut your sections on ruler, then dry fit on the frame.  Once you are pleased with the layout then glue all pieces in place with Aleene's Tacky Glue.  Set aside to dry.

STEP THREE:  Thread black twine through vintage button and tie in a knot.  Attach button to flower and burlap flower to frame.  I inserted a piece of dictionary paper with BACK TO SCHOOL written on it, since the kids don't go back for another 2 weeks!

Now it is time to HOP around to the other Designer Crafts Connection blogs to see all of the wonderful projects they have designed with school supplies!  Just use the DCC navigation box on my right hand tool bar to HOP FORWARD or HOP BACK through the Blog Ring!

Thanks for stopping by!  -Beth