
Monday, July 14, 2008

A Bit of a Manic Monday

OK, well all of my projects are complated for CHA and I fly out on Wednesday to Chicago. Lots of long hours and late nights this past week getting the projects finished, then tearing a few apart and re-doing them, especially if they do not turn out the way I had imagined them in my head! Photos are taken, portfolio is updated and brochures are printed, so now all I have to do is PACK, which will be no small task!

I always feel like a kid going to Summer Camp when I am on my way to CHA. It is refreshing and rejuvinating to be surrounded by all of that creativity - I love it! I have also volunteered to help out more this year with the Children's Designer Display, the Designer Showcase and the Press Room - all very exciting!

Today I will share a project that is featured this month on the Today's Creative Home Arts website home page. Here is the link if you want to check it out

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