
Monday, July 14, 2008

A Bit of a Manic Monday

OK, well all of my projects are complated for CHA and I fly out on Wednesday to Chicago. Lots of long hours and late nights this past week getting the projects finished, then tearing a few apart and re-doing them, especially if they do not turn out the way I had imagined them in my head! Photos are taken, portfolio is updated and brochures are printed, so now all I have to do is PACK, which will be no small task!

I always feel like a kid going to Summer Camp when I am on my way to CHA. It is refreshing and rejuvinating to be surrounded by all of that creativity - I love it! I have also volunteered to help out more this year with the Children's Designer Display, the Designer Showcase and the Press Room - all very exciting!

Today I will share a project that is featured this month on the Today's Creative Home Arts website home page. Here is the link if you want to check it out

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wonderful Wednesday!

Hectic day today trying to get my brochures redesigned for the Press Room at CHA. I have updated my bio, added some new photographs and used a new font, so I am happy with what I have created. Just have to print them and cut them. One more item to check off my list - YEA!

The project that I will share today is actually a cigar box purse that I created for CHA last Summer. Very cool shaped cigar box that I picked up in Ybor City (Tampa) in the Cuban District where they still roll cigars by hand! Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Happy Tuesday

Well, not much going on today in Florida, but thunderstorms with lots of lightening. I am working on finishing up all of my projects for the CHA Children's Designer Display - there will be four rooms built on the trade show floor - a livng room, beadroom, art classroom and a kitchen. I have 3 projects in each room, so I have been busy!

The project that I am sharing today is a fun one that I did for a Paper Crafts Magazine JOCM call, but was not accepted. Oh, well, better luck next time! It has bright colors and an inspirational message. Enjoy!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy Belated 4th of July

I know that the 4th of July was last Friday, but I thought I would share these cute and sparkly cupcake picks and treat bag clips that the kids and I made from stickers, wooden shapes and glitter glue.
These National Symbols remind me of out Troops all over the world that are fighting for our Freedom. Peace.

I am Blogging

I have visited alot of blogs and been inspired by what I have read and seen, so I have decided to jump into this cyber pool of creativity. My only hope is that someone will visit my blog and be inspired by what I have written and posted here!